Work History

Abdou Salam Beye



With a rich background spanning various prestigious kitchens, including the renowned 3 Michelin stars Uliassi Restaurant, I excel in ingredient selection and kitchen organization. My expertise not only encompasses comprehensive ingredient knowledge and adherence to food safety regulations but also demonstrates a proven track record of enhancing kitchen efficiency and culinary excellence.


years of professional experience

Work History

Assistant Chef

Morarat Restaurant
02.2007 - 02.2027

Cleaning and preparing fish, preparing

vegetables, preparing desserts used

during the service. Cleaning kitchen

utensils and workplace

Assistent Chef

Ferarut Restaurant
02.2007 - 03.2007

Preparing desserts and bread.

Cleaning and filletting fish. Preparation

of various vegetables. Cleaning


Chef De Partie

Brigantino Restaurant
06.2007 - 09.2007

Cleaning and preparing fish,

prepariation and serving of starters

main dish and dessert

Chef De Partie

Capriccio Restaurant
11.2007 - 12.2007

Cleaning and preparing fish,

preparation and serving of various

starters. Preparation of bread.

Cleaning kitchen and workplace.

Preparation and serving of first dish.

Chef De Partie

Uliassi Restaurant
04.2008 - 05.2008

Cleaning and preparing fish,

preparation of various patisseries.

courses and cleaning kitchen

Preparation and serving of starters, first

Chef De Partie

Brigantino Restaurant
05.2009 - 08.2009

Cleaning and preparing fish,

Preparation of ‘home made’ pasta.

Preparing and serving first courses.

Cleaning kitchen.

Sous Chef

Opera Restaurant and Hotel Rossini
06.2010 - 09.2010

Preparing and serving first course.

Cleaning and preparing fish,

Preparation of side dishes pasta.

Cleaning kitchen.

Sous Chef

Opera Restaurant and Hotel Rossini
03.2011 - 09.2011

Preparing and serving first and second

course. Cleaning filleting and preparing

fish. Prepartation of side dishes.

Cleaning kitchen

Chef Manager

Mambo Italia
02.2012 - 08.2012

Preparing and serving hot food

sandwich, salad, pasta, pizza,

arancini, lasagne, Cleaning

Head Chef

New Quay Hotel
10.2012 - 11.2012

Chef manager of the kitchen

Preparation and serving hot and

cold food: meat, fish, pasta and

sauces of pasta, risotto.

Sous Chef

Al Bancut Restaurant
06.2013 - 09.2013

Preparing and serving second

course, preparing serving dessert

Head Chef

Ai Tub Restaurant
09.2013 - 10.2013

Substitution for 3 weeks of executive

chef, witting and preparing menu

Head Chef

Ai Tubi Restaurant
09.2014 - 10.2014

Substitution for 3 weeks of executive

chef, witting and preparing menu

Head Chef

Genuino Restaurant
11.2014 - 06.2018

Chef manager of the kitchen

Pasta Maker - Owner

Abi Pastificio Artigianale
07.2018 - 01.2022

Preparing dry and fresh pasta

( spaghetti, penne, ravioli .. )

Executive Sous Chef

Hotel Las Vegas
05.2022 - 09.2022

Preparing and serving first course.

Preparations of side dishes.

Senior Chef De Partie

Rosewood Matakauri
10.2022 - Current

Preparation and service of

breakfast and lunch.


High School Diploma -

Hospitality Institute IAL-FVG
Aviano (PN) Italy


  • Ingredient selection
  • Kitchen organization
  • Ingredient knowledge
  • Food safety regulations


Professional Working
Native or Bilingual


Senior Chef De Partie

Rosewood Matakauri
10.2022 - Current

Executive Sous Chef

Hotel Las Vegas
05.2022 - 09.2022

Pasta Maker - Owner

Abi Pastificio Artigianale
07.2018 - 01.2022

Head Chef

Genuino Restaurant
11.2014 - 06.2018

Head Chef

Ai Tubi Restaurant
09.2014 - 10.2014

Head Chef

Ai Tub Restaurant
09.2013 - 10.2013

Sous Chef

Al Bancut Restaurant
06.2013 - 09.2013

Head Chef

New Quay Hotel
10.2012 - 11.2012

Chef Manager

Mambo Italia
02.2012 - 08.2012

Sous Chef

Opera Restaurant and Hotel Rossini
03.2011 - 09.2011

Sous Chef

Opera Restaurant and Hotel Rossini
06.2010 - 09.2010

Chef De Partie

Brigantino Restaurant
05.2009 - 08.2009

Chef De Partie

Uliassi Restaurant
04.2008 - 05.2008

Chef De Partie

Capriccio Restaurant
11.2007 - 12.2007

Chef De Partie

Brigantino Restaurant
06.2007 - 09.2007

Assistant Chef

Morarat Restaurant
02.2007 - 02.2027

Assistent Chef

Ferarut Restaurant
02.2007 - 03.2007

High School Diploma -

Hospitality Institute IAL-FVG
Abdou Salam Beye