I live in Te Awamutu alongside my partner and two daughters aged 6 and 2. I am 4 papers away from completing a Bachelor of Laws at Waikato University. I have just completed a Maori Land Law paper and it took my absolute interest. I am willing to negotiate a position as a Research Assistant with the Maori Land Court and Waitangi Tribunal around my studies in order to complete my LLB by June 2024.
I am a reliable, hardworking and committed young woman with a mature and responsible nature. I love working with people and am a good communicator. I have a high level of self-motivation and excellent time and organizational management skills. I have completed a number of legal research essays for my LLB and enjoy doing so.
If I am accepted to join the Research team, I can continue to grow my experience within a Māori context. I am very passionate about making positive changes for Māori and would enjoy contributing to this important work.
With the Prosecution Service I worked a long side a Senior Prosecutor and competed the every day tasks. I did file management, drafting of summary of facts and disclosure packs, I graded files and completed training and webinars as required. I stood in court and read summary of facts to the Judge, Community Magistrate or Justice of the Peace. I organised the files for the Prosecutor on court days, thus in Te Awamutu, Hamilton and Te Kuiti. A Judge invited me to a closed specialist court in Hamilton, I stood and said my pepeha proudly.
As a Receptionist, I answered all phone calls, maintained the Deeds and Wills safe and ensured the office ran smoothly.
For four months I also filled in as a Legal Secretary for one of the lawyers at Forgeson Law. This included a lot of key decision making and formal writing. I have become familiar with Family and other court proceedings. I am able to prepare and type formal letters, affidavits and memorandums as well as filing applications with the courts.
My file management experience includes opening files, managing documents, billing and closing files. I have also assisted the partners and legal executive with Conveyancing, Estates, Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney.
I worked in reception where I answered phone calls and organised appointments.
I organized all Deeds and Wills, opened and closed files and organised files for archiving.
With help I was able to prepare and finalise most legal documents - Wills, Probate, Affidavits, Memorandums, Powers of Attorney and so on. I covered Estates for the majority of the time. I helped with settlement statements and other conveyancing requirements.
I am very familiar with Lexis Advance and ADLS.
Ko Piriongia te Maunga
Kawhia te Moana ,Kawhia Kai, Kawhia Tangata, Aotea Whenua
Ko Tainui te Waka
He Piko he Taniwha
Ko Ngati Maniapoto te Iwi
Ko Ngati Apakura te Hapu
Ko Mokai Kainga te Marae
Ko Tutahi Turner toku hoa rangatira
Ko Mareikura toku tuahine
Ko Amaia toku potiki
Ko Andrea Te Koringa Mauritu Stafford Shaw toku ingoa.