With 28 years of midwifery experience, I am unwavering in my advocacy for physiological, primary, and homebirth, both in practice and theory. I am also well versed in complexity and have a strong understanding of the main perinatal pathologies and their impact. Over the last 17 years as a midwifery educator, I have learned to emphasise decolonisation, intersectionality and place-based pedagogy to strengthen ākonga critical thinking and Cultural Safety. More recently, my skills in inclusive learning and teaching in solidarity with mana whenua, have been focused on restoration and reclamation of the holistic and whanau-centred journey of childbearing. Through examining history ākonga more fully appreciate the midwifery | kahu pōkai scope of practice and their role in supporting whanau to resist unnecessary interventions. My specific research areas encompass Place of Birth, Membranes Matter/Ahuru Mōwai, decolonisation, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and midwifery ethics. I have a working knowledge of a range of research methodologies and how they celebrate diverse ways of knowing being and doing. My greatest pleasure is to explore these understandings with postgraduate midwives to deepen their ethical understanding and expand their consciousness of the many ways evidence can inform practice reality.
Learning & Teaching and conducting research in the field of midwifery
Researching and collaborating in the field of midwifery
Providing community services across South Auckland
Caseloading whanau in and around Papakura
Team midwifery at Counties Manukau health based in primary unit
Earning pounds as an agency midwife and travelling
Mentored by an iconic team of midwives
First two years of practice in high risk team