I am a 16 year old girl who would love to have a consistent part time job. I have had many little casual jobs in the past such as, baby sitting, cleaning company cars and training horses but would love to have a more consistent job that would work around my school days. I enjoy baking and cooking with my free time, while also riding my horse.
Filed all paper documents since 2007 to 2022, this included scanning every file then organising into project names and dates in online folders. This job also included going through every file and separating confidential and non-confidential papers.
Worked front of house taking orders and packaging pastries for customers, started work at 7.00am to help prepare and decorate food ready to sell. Closed bakery which included washing all baking trays and dishes from the baking of food. Swept and moped the floor, while also wiping all surfaces including tray holders and ovens.
I love organizing and keeping thing's in order due to owning a horse and taking care of him, this makes me very reliable as I know how important it is to show up and do what you agreed to