Strong leader and problem-solver dedicated to streamlining operations to decrease costs and promote organizational efficiency. Uses independent decision-making skills and sound judgment to positively impact company success. Encouraging manager and analytical problem-solver with talents for team building, leading and motivating, as well as excellent customer relations aptitude and relationship-building skills. Proficient in using independent decision-making skills and sound judgment to positively impact company success. Dedicated to applying training, monitoring and morale-building abilities to enhance employee engagement and boost performance.
Hi My name is Mel de Mey as you can see i love everything fashion and beauty related , i also have a ten year old boy whom i adore. I have alot of previous experience in retail from working at Overland footwear (Merchant) to running Amazon in Auckland , i have also dabbled a bit in the hospitality side of things . But everything in my life has been customer based and hands on . I took a seven year break yes that's right seven years to enjoy my little person and now he is the best version he can be . So ever since then I have been working my way up !!!!