Work History

Glenn Wang



Adept in geotechnical analysis and proficiency of geotechnical design, I've leveraged my expertise at Soil And Rock Consultants to successfully manage over 500 projects, establishing strong connections with 200+ clients. My proficiency in geotechnical design and commitment to building code compliance underscore my ability to deliver outstanding results.


years of professional experience

Work History

Intermediate Geotechnical Engineer

Soil And Rock Consultants
08.2023 - Current
  • Geotechnical assessments, proficiency using SLIDE, Wallap, CPet-IT, Cliq to assess the slope stability, mechanical settlement, and liquefaction in accordance with Building Code Clause B1.
  • Geotechnical design, including foundation recommendation, fully design and drawings for timber pole retaining walls, reinforced concrete piles, UC/UB Walls, and ground enforcement solutions. Involved in over 500 different projects.
  • Project management, liaise with clients and follow up the whole project from quotation to investigation, from report to construction monitoring. Established great connection with more than 200 clients.
  • Strong report writing capability, familiar with The Auckland Code of Practice for Land Development and Subdivision Chapter2, Version 2.0.
  • Appreciation of engineering risk and its management.
  • Support colleagues and great teamworking ability.

Junior Geotechnical Engineer

Geopro Ltd
04.2022 - 07.2023
  • Ground investigations and ground characterisation, well acknowledgement of the Auckland Geology, fully grasp the Core-GS, and expertly operating the Hand Augur and Corn Penetration Test Machine (CPT). Conducted more than 180+ site investigations and soil logging.
  • Construction Monitoring and Supervision, visited project sites during construction to monitor progress and consult with contractors and on-site engineers. Weekly inspections can reach 20 sites, with 0 complaint, picked up 50+ potential risks on site and 100% safely solved.

Graduate Geotechnical Engineer

Der Traum Tapui Ltd
09.2021 - 04.2022
  • Quickly learned new skills and applied them to daily tasks, improving efficiency and productivity.
  • Carried out day-day-day duties accurately and efficiently.
  • Demonstrated respect, friendliness and willingness to help wherever needed.
  • Used coordination and planning skills to achieve results according to schedule.


Master of Engineering - Civil And Enviornmental Engineering

University of Auckland
Auckland, NZ

Bachelor of Science -

Auckland University of Technology
Auckland, NZ

Bachelor of Science -

Shanghai Institute of Technology
Shanghai, China


  • Slope Stability Analysis
  • Field Investigation and Core Sampling
  • Social Perceptiveness
  • Best Practices and Standards
  • Operating Corn Penetration Test Machine
  • Geotechnical Design
  • Settlement and Liquefaction Assessment
  • Software package: Gint/Core-GS/Slide/Wallap/CPet-IT/Cliq/AutoCAD/Revu/QGIS
  • Building Code Compliance


  • Fitness: Strength training and cardio, used to be a group fitness instructor in China teaching Les Mills Bodycombat, Bodypump & RPM.
  • Board game: As a part-time game host in a murder mystery game store.


15 Goodwood Drive - Geotechnical Design and Report - Timber Wall, RC Piles and Gravity Wall

485 Puhinui Road- Assessments - Commercial Development with Coastal Erosion Assessment

6 Carr Road- Investigation, Assessments, Reporting, and Construction Observation- Commercial


Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Jessica Zhang.       

Soil and Rock Consultants

Geotechnical Engineer, Leo Lu.                         

Geopro Ltd. 

Senior Structural Engineer, Wilson Wang.           

General Structures Ltd.


Intermediate Geotechnical Engineer

Soil And Rock Consultants
08.2023 - Current

Junior Geotechnical Engineer

Geopro Ltd
04.2022 - 07.2023

Graduate Geotechnical Engineer

Der Traum Tapui Ltd
09.2021 - 04.2022

Master of Engineering - Civil And Enviornmental Engineering

University of Auckland

Bachelor of Science -

Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Science -

Shanghai Institute of Technology
Glenn Wang