I am a hard-working and passionate student with strong organisational skills, who is eager to make a change in career paths. I have previously worked part-time in a variety of different settings, however they all have collectively encouraged me to adopt a series of vital skills that I am willing to implement into any industry that I enter. I am a detail-oriented team player with valuable interpersonal skills, as well as compassion and empathy for the needs of others, ranging from young to old and anyone in between. I can maintain a positive attitude and am always willing to learn something new.
Margaret (Patrick Ferry House)
Phone number: 022 530 1095
Relationship: Patrick Ferry House hospital manager
Brittany Griffiths (The Body Shop)
Phone number: 027 904 8776
Email: Brittany.Griffiths@thebodyshop.com
Relationship: The Body Shop (Albany) manager during my employment