Work History

Mohit Prasad

Forrest Hill Road,Auckland


Dedicated and compassionate Registered Nurse with eight plus years of experience in general wards, adult ICU public health and aged care. Proven ability to provide direct patient care in fast-paced environment. Calm and level headed with ability to handle difficult patients and high stressed situations. Strong verbal communications skills and able to create therapeutic relationship with patients and their relatives.


years of professional experience

Work History

Registered Nurse

Forrest Hill Home and Hospital
Forrest Hill , Auckland
11.2022 - Current
  • Assessing and monitoring the health status of residents.
  • Administering medicines, providing wound care, and developing and implementing care plans.
  • Involving family in care and providing emotional support.

Registered Nurse

Valelevu Health Center
Suva, Fiji Islands
05.2018 - 11.2022
  • Promote and maintain effective, efficient outpatient and emergency services through proper documentation
  • Triage and categorize patients accordingly and refer to the Medical officer when necessary
  • Providing first line management of emergencies in the absence of or while awaiting doctors
  • Monitor and administer medications and intravenous infusions
  • Assessing and planning nursing care requirements
  • Able to change catheters for females and insert nasogastric tubes
  • Submitting reports within the agreed time frames and meeting the standard reporting requirements
  • Provide holistic approach towards patient treatment and care by collaborating with paramedics in the setting and safe patient transportation to base hospital
  • Participate in NCDs activities organized within the health center
  • Participate in social events to build interpersonal relationships with peers and supervisors
  • Providing patient education whenever needed on medications compliance, diet, hygiene, wound care, and exercise

Registered Nurse

CWMH Adult (ICU)
Suva, Fiji Islands
06.2017 - 05.2018
  • Monitor exact, detailed reports and records of the critical ICU patients
  • Monitor and record symptoms and changes in patients conditions and information to the ICU Reg On-call
  • Order, interpret and evaluate diagnostics tests to identify and assess the patient's condition
  • Carefully observe and document patient medical information and vital signs
  • Document patients medical histories and assessment findings
  • Document patients treatment plans, interventions, outcomes, or plan revisions
  • Consult and coordinate with health care team members about whole patient care plans
  • Modify patient treatment plans as indicated by patient's response and conditions
  • Monitor the critical patients for changes in status and indications of conditions such as sepsis or shock and institute appropriate interventions
  • Administering intravenous fluids and medications as per doctor's order

Intern Nurse

Intern Nurse
  • Rotated in medical, surgical, paeds, obstetrics and genecology, CCU, ICU, PARU, ED and Burns wards for 1 year, 6 months
  • Duties included the same as other nurses but under supervision of senior staffs
  • Duties includes such as providing health care in clinical settings to the clients, preparing charts, assessment of the patient's recovery, discharge of the patient and educating the patient if required based on logical evidence


Competency Assessment Programme - Nursing

Lonsdale Education Centre
9 Ladys Mile, Foxton 4814

Bachelor of Nursing - Nursing

Collage of Medicine, Nursing And Health Science
Suva, Fiji Islands


  • Communications
  • Teamwork/ Team player
  • Observation skills
  • Computer skills
  • Ethical and professional skills
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Critical thinking and problem solving


  • Certificate of Appreciation for Dedicated Duty at VHC
  • Certificate of Competency in Triage Workshop
  • Attended various workshops including Asthma Care Pathway, Electrocardiogram
  • Certificate of Excellence in Mathematics (Gold Medal)
  • Certificate of Prize in Mathematics
  • Certificate of Distinction in South Pacific Physics Quiz
  • Pass with Distinction in Chemical Society of the South Pacific
  • Certificate of Pass in Fiji Mathematics Competition
  • The Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze Medal)
  • Certificate of Pass in Chemical Society of the South Pacific

In New Zealand

  • Interrai trained-2023. Link Nurse- 2023. Preceptorship trained-2024.
  • Wound care champion-2024. Medicine coordinator- 2024.
  • Attended various workshops: CSCI training, Basic First Aid & Adult CPR. Infection control, PEG Management, Fundamentals of Palliative care, ADHB Infection Prevention, Respiratory and Cardiovascular assessment.


· Janice Van Mil (Forrest Hill Home and Hospital- General Manager)

PH: +64275415759

· Fiona Moore (Forrest Hill Home and Hospital- Clinical Manager)

PH: +64223049324

· Krishnil Naicker (Forrest Hill Home and Hospital- Team Leader)

PH: +642102757769


Registered Nurse

Forrest Hill Home and Hospital
11.2022 - Current

Registered Nurse

Valelevu Health Center
05.2018 - 11.2022

Registered Nurse

CWMH Adult (ICU)
06.2017 - 05.2018

Intern Nurse

Intern Nurse

Competency Assessment Programme - Nursing

Lonsdale Education Centre

Bachelor of Nursing - Nursing

Collage of Medicine, Nursing And Health Science
Mohit Prasad