Philosophy and strengths that are key elements in my practice is effective communication and practicing with empathy. Currently as a Key Worker with 20 - 30 clients, effective communication has been crucial to achieve accurate assessments and build positive connection with clients and family. As I often have challenging conversations with clients, being able to interact with clients with empathy has allowed me to further understated clients needs and establish appropriate services and resources that suit their individual needs.
I have various work experience working with clients from all ages; in my current role our cliental are from age 18 - 65+ as clients with pre-existing mental health needs come into our service. Over the last few years I have attained a case load of older adults as well as those with complex needs alongside mental health, including medical, drug and alcohol, housing, disability. In my psychosocial and mental state assessments, I strive to maintain a rehabilitation and recovery focus to enable clients to live as autonomously as possible and safe; while also encouraging family involvement and participation in caring for their loved one. I have assisted in entering clients into rest homes, in and out of different level care facilities as they reach goals or require more assistance, and in home help, all alongside ACC, NGOs, NASC and other service providers. I have had to adapt from a mental health lens to a wider holistic assessment approach to better meet the care needs of these clients and especially navigate other services with clients to meet these needs that our team did not specialise in. I thoroughly enjoy working collaboratively and alongside other services to create a full package of care of these clients.
I am motivated and proactive in my work, while also being adaptable to changes. Working with people has taught me that day to day events can change unexpectedly and these skills alongside time management and booking and changing my own appointments with clients, is valuable.
I am able to exercise critical thinking and clinical skill in my decision making to ensure the safety and best care of clients, their families and best use of services is being achieved.
I'm passionate about my work, enjoy learning and adding to my skill set, and have a trust in what people can achieve when they are empowered and given the tools to do so. I carry with me a sense of humour and a smile. I am dedicated to helping others achieve progress toward goals and meet specific needs.
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