Work History

Cait de Haan

Te Atatu,AUK


Philosophy and strengths that are key elements in my practice is effective communication and practicing with empathy. Currently as a Key Worker with 20 - 30 clients, effective communication has been crucial to achieve accurate assessments and build positive connection with clients and family. As I often have challenging conversations with clients, being able to interact with clients with empathy has allowed me to further understated clients needs and establish appropriate services and resources that suit their individual needs.

I have various work experience working with clients from all ages; in my current role our cliental are from age 18 - 65+ as clients with pre-existing mental health needs come into our service. Over the last few years I have attained a case load of older adults as well as those with complex needs alongside mental health, including medical, drug and alcohol, housing, disability. In my psychosocial and mental state assessments, I strive to maintain a rehabilitation and recovery focus to enable clients to live as autonomously as possible and safe; while also encouraging family involvement and participation in caring for their loved one. I have assisted in entering clients into rest homes, in and out of different level care facilities as they reach goals or require more assistance, and in home help, all alongside ACC, NGOs, NASC and other service providers. I have had to adapt from a mental health lens to a wider holistic assessment approach to better meet the care needs of these clients and especially navigate other services with clients to meet these needs that our team did not specialise in. I thoroughly enjoy working collaboratively and alongside other services to create a full package of care of these clients.

I am motivated and proactive in my work, while also being adaptable to changes. Working with people has taught me that day to day events can change unexpectedly and these skills alongside time management and booking and changing my own appointments with clients, is valuable.

I am able to exercise critical thinking and clinical skill in my decision making to ensure the safety and best care of clients, their families and best use of services is being achieved.

I'm passionate about my work, enjoy learning and adding to my skill set, and have a trust in what people can achieve when they are empowered and given the tools to do so. I carry with me a sense of humour and a smile. I am dedicated to helping others achieve progress toward goals and meet specific needs.


years of professional experience

Work History

Recovery and Intensive Social Worker

Te Whatu Ora, Waitemata. Community Mental Health
12.2018 - Current
  • I am a clinical Key Worker within the Adult Community Recovery Mental Health Multi-disciplinary team (MDT). Within this role I independently manage a case load of up to at times, 30 clients. Their ages range from 18 - 70+ (over 65 if they have pre-existing mental health needs).
  • While in this role I became the PPPR (Protection of Personal and Property Rights)Act champion for our team. Facilitating a monthly PPPR Act consult for clinicians to attend to keep accurate record of clients under or in the process of applying for the Act, educating clinicians around client capacity or lack thereof and was the Applicant for these applications.
  • I was a Key Worker for one of the two High and Complex Needs (clients with multiple comorbidities such as mental health, disability, trauma, drug and alcohol use) homes we provided clinical support to alongside Goodwood Park NGO.
  • Key tasks I completed in my day-day:
  • Completing and documenting regular up to date notes, mental state, risk and safety planning, treatment plan progress, and psychosocial assessments;
  • Conducted home visits to assess living environment and facilitate access to necessary resources;
  • Working with clients and their families from within their homes or rehabilitation facilities to create and achieve realistic recovery goals, provide psychoeducation about mental health, wellness and medication, and link them in with services and resources to support their recovery
  • Collaborated with other professionals within a multidisciplinary team to plan and coordinate care for clients, and provide comprehensive and continuous care plans;
  • Facilitating admissions and discharges from hospital including working with the hospital, family and other services to ensure a safe discharge to their home environment and referrals related to this;
  • Assisted clients with navigating and accessing social services such as housing and medical care.
  • I actively respond to crises and emergency situations of my case load and work with the necessary parties and client to deescalate the situation through collaboratively implementing and establishing safety plans and interventions.
  • Helped clients with recognizing and managing mental health concerns through evidence-based interventions such as sensory modulation, distress management skills, identifying thought-behaviour connections, navigating interpersonal conflicts and family meetings.
  • Coordinated often with external healthcare professionals and services we worked closely with to uphold high-quality, person-centred care.

Social Work Student - Youth Justice

Oranga Tamariki
07.2018 - 10.2018
  • I completed my 4th year placement as part of my Social Work Degree with the Waitakere Youth Justice Team – 460 hours.
  • I was actively involved in responding to crises and emergency situations to assist youth and families. This was at times alongside Police.
  • I supported a small caseload of youth and documented the services provided by keeping accurate records of activities, interactions and conversations that we had. This included being able to develop and implement the social work plans established with the youth. Accurate documentation was crucial to understand desired project goals and properly align social work activities.
  • Interviewed clients to assess needs and determine most suitable services; offering community resources and guidance to youth to meet their and family evolving needs.
  • Consulted with other professionals to gain insight and advice about their services. This included varies organisations and NGOs that collaborated in order to provide a holistic and wrap around service for the youth and their families. I was actively part of these discussions with professionals as well as Family Group Conferences.

Community Support worker

Emerge Aotearoa
12.2017 - 08.2018
  • I worked part time for Emerge Aotearoa as a csw across three main rehabilitation houses which specialised in Mental Health, Forensics and youth respite.
  • With the youth I planned and facilitated on- and off-campus activities and therapeutic interventions through nature, crafts, cooking and experiences new to them such as with farm animals, boxing, museums.
  • Supported clients in developing goals and social skills, improving individual wellness and productivity.
  • Worked collaboratively with clinical teams to achieve clients recovery goals.

Recreation Program Assistant

Birkenhead Pool and Leisure Centre
07.2016 - 12.2017
  • I worked as an Outdoor recreation assistant, supervising and teaching the Rock Climbing Wall day-day of at times up to 50+ people; and through the school terms facilitating 2-3 school and community group outdoor recreation activities a week, to people of various abilities and disabilities- kayaking, orienteering, water rafting, rock climbing, high ropes etc
  • Factored-in abilities, needs and interests of participants in development of events and programs.
  • Responsibility for patrons safety, provided orientation and safety protocols.
  • Provided clear instruction to activity and program participants to deliver fun and maintain safety.

Social Work Student - Community Development

Massey Matters
07.2017 - 10.2017
  • This was a Community development Placement of 460 hours required to complete my Bachelor off Social Work.
  • Conducted online and in person research to identify what the community wanted Massey Matters to achieve - a play group and more community activities were pursued as a result
  • I assisted in developing a community Garden, I took part in developing short- and long term community involvement to provide kai for their community.
  • Coordinated and supported volunteer activities for community service projects such as a Community Garden, a Youth Space and a Local Services Directory for the community and Events calendar.

Community Support Worker

Equip Mental Health Services
01.2016 - 06.2016
  • This role was volunteer as a part of my 50 hours service to complete my Bachelor of Social Work.
  • As a student I functioned as a community Support Worker at a Respite facility. On top of completing domestic tasks of cooking, cleaning, and transporting clients, I also supported clients with supervised sensory modulation, a listening ear and facilitating activities.

Exchange Student Representative

Your Education
01.2013 - 01.2018
  • I worked for a student exchange company following my own exchange as a high-school student; completing admin work and interacting with students and their families.
  • Supported students and families as an airport supervisor; ensuring they were able to navigate air ports and welcomed students into the country.
  • Distributed and promoted information regarding over seas student exchange opportunities to generate interest and participation. I achieved this through speaking at career expos and presenting at school assemblies.

Various Hospitality Roles

Restaurants And Fast Food
01.2011 - 12.2013
  • I have worked at McDonalds and Speights Ale House as a waitress while studying as a Highschool and university student.


High School Diploma -

Sacred Heart Collage
Lower Hutt

Postgraduate Certificate - Health Sciences

Auckland University of Technology
Auckland, NZ

Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work

Massey University


  • Self-Motivated
  • Planning and Coordination
  • Organization and Time Management
  • Multitasking Abilities
  • Flexible and Adaptable
  • Analytical and Critical Thinking
  • Decision-Making
  • Active Learning


On Request


Recovery and Intensive Social Worker

Te Whatu Ora, Waitemata. Community Mental Health
12.2018 - Current

Social Work Student - Youth Justice

Oranga Tamariki
07.2018 - 10.2018

Community Support worker

Emerge Aotearoa
12.2017 - 08.2018

Social Work Student - Community Development

Massey Matters
07.2017 - 10.2017

Recreation Program Assistant

Birkenhead Pool and Leisure Centre
07.2016 - 12.2017

Community Support Worker

Equip Mental Health Services
01.2016 - 06.2016

Exchange Student Representative

Your Education
01.2013 - 01.2018

Various Hospitality Roles

Restaurants And Fast Food
01.2011 - 12.2013

High School Diploma -

Sacred Heart Collage

Postgraduate Certificate - Health Sciences

Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work

Massey University
Cait de Haan