I am an innovative educator with a passion for co-creating equitable educational opportunities for students and whānau.
My strengths include the ability to effectively network and collaborate with a wide range of people. I thrive on the exchange of knowledge and ideas which serve to create effective platforms for change.
Although I have worked effectively in education for the past decade, my first love is in the growing and healing arts. I worked alongside my mentor Gillian Polson at the Akaroa Herb farm, learning the art of growing healthy food and the nutritional and healing value of numerous herbs. I then, successfully grew my own food and healing plants for my family and have been a source of knowledge and support for wider whānau for many years.
During my Masters programme I wrote an essay on Food Soverignty, comparing practices in Aotearoa and Hawaiī and would love the opportunity to research further to assist whānau to take ownership for their own food source, whilst linking it to best health practices.
I have experience in research and have honed interview skills. I have some knowledge of film and have crafted a simple documentary and can see how these skills could be utulised in the collecting of whānau stories and documenting the journey toward kai Sovereignty.
I am a professional facilitator dedicated to creating impactful and engaging learning environments. I am consistently adaptable to changing needs and focused on achieving tangible results.