Work History

Suzanne Saunders

Fitzroy,New Plymouth


My career has spanned for almost 25 years, starting on the Isle of Man (a wee island between Ireland and England in the UK) newly qualified surrounded by strong experienced midwives from whom I learnt so much, no less the importance of nurturing students and new midwives.

Over the years I have found midwifery to be a rewarding although difficult, stressful and unpredictable profession particularly in periods of high acuity.

I have worked in many areas, a small community hospital, a secondary care unit as my first post in New Zealand and as an LMC which has fostered my belief that teamwork across all areas is invaluable for positive outcomes for women and their Whanau which after all is why I am a midwife!

As important as midwifery is to me, my 16 year old son and husband Kevin are who keep my cup filled which allows me to do this job with the heart that I do.

My down time sees me knitting, usually baby blankets (as I cannot read a pattern!), enjoying the beach and enjoying good food and wine with friends.


years of professional experience

Work History

Core Midwife

Te Whatu Ora Taranaki
Westown, New Plymouth
05.2024 - Current
  • Provided antenatal care to pregnant women and their families, including monitoring maternal and fetal health.
  • Assessed labouring women for progress of labour using physical examination techniques.
  • Monitored vital signs of mother and baby during labour and delivery process.
  • Facilitated delivery of newborns through natural childbirth or caesarean section procedures.
  • Performed routine newborn assessments immediately following delivery to assess overall health status.
  • Collaborated with multidisciplinary team members to ensure optimal patient care outcomes.
  • Provided emotional support to clients throughout the birthing experience.
  • Maintained accurate medical records according to established protocols.
  • Undertake the role of "red dot" in the absence of a CMC on duty.
  • Support junior colleagues including medical staff, student midwives and new grad midwives.


Te Whatu Ora
Westown, New Plymouth
05.2023 - 05.2024
  • Maintained updated knowledge through continuing education and advanced training. This includes participating in NZCOM conference in Christchurch.
  • Motivated and encouraged team members to communicate more openly and constructively with each other.
  • Demonstrated leadership by making improvements to work processes and helping to train others, this includes working with new graduate midwives, students and new RMO's to our unit.
  • The last 8 months have been as challenging as they have been fulfilling, I am enjoying this role as CMC as see so much scope for encouraging changes to some areas of working including but not limited to improving relations in OT and improving the service for women coming in for ELCS. Spending time in Hawera and increasing usage of this valuable asset. Streamlining processes on both ward areas to improve working for midwives and nursing staff at Base Maternity.
  • Worked successfully with diverse group of coworkers to accomplish goals and address issues related to our products and services.

Casual Midwife

Te Whatu Ora Taranaki
New Plymouth
02.2023 - 05.2023

Taranaki has provided me with a completely different midwifery experience which has been a learning curve professionally and personally. I have worked on maternity, post natal and doing post natal modules as an LMC for green folder clients, a nice mix of primary and secondary care! I enjoy being on birthing suite but my passion lies in post natal care and would like to progress further in this area.

Lead Maternity Carer

Palmerston North, Manawatu
03.2018 - 01.2023

During my 4 years as an LMC I have worked primarily in urban areas. I chose to birth at Palmerston North Hospital and Te Papaioea Birthing Centre on occasion.

I provided home ante natal and post natal cares booking 4-6 women per month.

During labour I provided epidural cares and attended theatre with my clients both acutely and electively.

My special interest being Diabetes and Maternal Mental Health.

Core Midwife

Midcentral DHB
Palmerston North
05.2014 - 09.2018

As a core midwife I was involved with Induction of Labour on birthing suite including the use of Misoprostyl for IOL, Palmerston North being at the centre of introducing this method of IOL, this was an interesting curve for us all. I am competent in caring for clients with epidural, Syntocinon, Magnesium Sulphate and GIK. I am confident within the theatre space also.

I have a passion for post natal care and enjoy being in this area.

Associate Charge Midwife

Midcentral DHB
Palmerston North
04.2016 - 09.2016
  • Monitored staff performance and provided coaching and formal counseling to staff.
  • Received and investigated complaints from families, patients and clinical staff, devising solutions to multifaceted challenges.
  • Applied clinical judgment and comprehensive knowledge of facility policies to assist floor nurses with patient care decisions.
  • Responded to emergency situations with speed, expertise and level-headed approaches to provide optimal care, support and life-saving interventions.
  • Coordinated with healthcare team to establish, enact and evaluate patient care plans.

This role was challenging but gave me more skills and tools in the toolkit to dealing with people and situations. It was a short lived role but probably one of the most character building of my career.

Staff Midwife

Nobles Hospital
Douglas, Isle Of Man
11.1999 - 04.2014

During this job I worked with a small team of midwives providing all midwifery care from Ante Natal Clinic, Labour Cares, Scrub MW in OT and Post Natal Care, educating women and families in all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and transition to parenthood.

I was involved with the Diabetes Centre at the hospital and provided ante natal care for women with T1 T2 and gestational diabetes alongside the Obstetric Consultant, Endocrinologist and Dietician.

This job allowed me to consolidate my learning and become a senior midwife who provided support for students, newly qualified staff and co ordination of shifts on a daily basis.


Bachelor of Science - Midwifery

Napier University
Ediburgh, Scotland UK

Diploma of Higher Education in Midwifery -

Napier University
Edinburgh, Scotland UK

Bachelor of Arts -

University of Paisley
Paisley, Scotland UK


  • My core value is about providing safe and effective care to women and their families
  • Communication is an important skill in an effective team, I believe I am capable of both interacting with the multidisciplinary team members but probably more importantly listening to others
  • I consider myself to be approachable, therefore a good resource for students and less experienced staff
  • Team work is incredibly important as a midwife to manage and resolve difficult and emergency situations
  • Experience allows me to be aware that I don' know everything and have no problem being honest when I find myself in a situation that I am unsure of, acknowledging and promoting the skills of the other team members
  • I have a good sense of humour, this serves me well in a profession which can be incredibly stressful


Core Midwife

Te Whatu Ora Taranaki
05.2024 - Current


Te Whatu Ora
05.2023 - 05.2024

Casual Midwife

Te Whatu Ora Taranaki
02.2023 - 05.2023

Lead Maternity Carer

03.2018 - 01.2023

Associate Charge Midwife

Midcentral DHB
04.2016 - 09.2016

Core Midwife

Midcentral DHB
05.2014 - 09.2018

Staff Midwife

Nobles Hospital
11.1999 - 04.2014

Bachelor of Science - Midwifery

Napier University

Diploma of Higher Education in Midwifery -

Napier University

Bachelor of Arts -

University of Paisley
Suzanne Saunders